Story Highlights

Achelous Pure Metal Company Limited
Standing in for Real Trees to Absorb CO2
It is common knowledge that the current rate of carbon dioxide (CO2) emission has outpaced what natural processes can remove. A champion of green technology, Achelous Pure Metal Company Limited (APM) has been mostly focusing on waste treatment and precious metal recovery in the Chinese Mainland. For “CCG Accel Powered by HKSTP'', APM will be testing its patent-pending, carbon reducing CIONEX system derived from its main ion exchange technology. Shawn Cheng, Co-founder & Research Director of APM, describes its mechanism. “As air passes through CIONEX, carbon particles will attach onto the ions. When compared to other ion exchange technologies, our advantage lies in its stronger absorption capacity and the resin core’s higher reusability.” The absorbed carbon can be used to create soil-enriching compost and other eco-friendly materials. The CIONEX core with a 16-litre capacity will be tested in the programme and it is expected to absorb CO2 equivalent to 48 trees a year.
Vote of Confidence
The prototype for CIONEX was only developed since early 2022. CCG Accel provides an invaluable opportunity for APM to test out the capacities of their new technology. With the support of CCG and HKSTP, the programme has been running smoothly and enabled APM to test and improve the performance of CIONEX. “This platform is one of the earliest backers willing to give it a go no matter what,” Cheng notes, “In this round of trials, CCG wanted to test the effectiveness of the device in absorbing CO2.” The CCG team has also encouraged the engineer-led APM to make their efforts more visible, proposing highly trafficked public areas such as food courts and car parks within their malls as test sites. The programme has so far promoted APM’s expertise in Hong Kong, which will further bolster its development in the Greater Bay Area and beyond.

Shawn Cheng, Co-founder & Research Director of APM