Story Highlights

Apicem Technology Services Company Limited
Ground-breaking Smart Air Technology Inspired by Lighting
The promise of air purification and decontamination has only become more enticing with rising pollution levels and recent epidemic outbreaks. Yet Apicem Technology Services (ATS) observed that most air filtering technologies have not advanced much in the last 40-plus years and, for the worse, have generated more environmental and biological issues. For example, HEPA filters have gradually become the perfect ground for cultivating mould and other bacteria if not replaced regularly.
Ahim Kho, CEO of ATS, believes the most dangerous things in the city are harmful bacteria and viruses, so they felt obligated to create a solution that would rather sterilise all instead of letting any slip away. Its patented Baal Air system has a 20kV high voltage electrostatic field that not only zaps out resilient bacteria and viruses while purifying the air, but also removes dioxins, formaldehyde, volatiles and odours. The cloud-based indoor air quality (IAQ) monitoring system can be integrated into existing building management systems.
Entering the Lion’s Den
The back-of-house areas of any building, such as utility and trash rooms, are in dire need of effective air filtering systems. They are usually dark, closed and damp, which creates a hotbed for viruses and bacteria to flourish in. ATS actively seeks out these spots for pilot testing in the “CCG Accel Powered by HKSTP” programme. Kho shares that if a device is placed “in an extreme environment and can still perform well, then it’d set up a very helpful use case for its future development as a commercialised product.” The team had installed an earlier model near the refuse room at Central Market as part of CCG Accel’s Cohort 1 and achieved stellar results. Upon CCG’s request, the team discovered the system can also remove nitrogen dioxide, a chemical compound released by cars and cigarettes.
With the feedback they received in Cohort 1, the team was motivated to modify the ATS system by downsizing the machine and making it fit into commercial premises. The team overcame the technical challenge within nine months and will be testing the new 65-cm tall device at a water pump room at Two Chinachem Central in Cohort 2. If this system proves to be effective, it can be a game changer for property management companies as, finally, there is a long-lasting solution for sterilising these essential areas.

Michael Kan, CTO of ATS