Story Highlights

Immune Materials Limited
Making Surfaces Safe for Touch Again
Ever since the outbreak of COVID-19, we have become more aware of the public surfaces we come in contact with on a daily basis. Some people opt to buy their own contactless button pushes, others wear gloves or sanitise immediately after touching anything, but these are all solutions that rely on the users taking the initiative. The founders of Immune Materials are PolyU professors who transferred their material knowledge of textiles to 3D printing, creating IMU+™ products with long-lasting antimicrobial properties.
Spike Ngai, COO of the company, explains the science behind: “Common bacteria and viruses that we encounter usually have cell walls with a negative charge. We’ve mixed some chemicals carrying positive ions into the liquid resin that is used as the raw material in 3D printing, so the final product overall carries a positive charge. Once pathogens and the liquid resin come into contact, the resulting force of electrostatic attraction between two ions of opposite charge and ruptures pathogens cell walls. The anti-microbial properties of IMU+™ products will remain effective for at least three years—even if the surface is cleaned with alcohol, bleach or other chemical cleaners, they will still be just as effective.
Invaluable Chance to Research and Gain User Feedback
Immune Materials will install a number of IMU+™ door handles and lift button covers at the Chinachem Golden Plaza, which will reduce the daily workload of frontline cleaning staff. By taking part in the "CCG Accel Power by HKSTP" programme, the team have the chance to test out IMU+™ on an unprecedented scale, collecting data and feedback from users. Even at the initial discussion stage, Ngai believes his team has already benefited from the co-creation process. “HKSTP and CCG have given us opportunities to conduct field studies that are not easily attainable outside of the partnership. We would not be able to get such insights without the partnership if CCG had simply purchased our products.” Ultimately, the accelerator allows them to improve products at a faster rate, and in turn they can offer more tailor-made solutions that will benefit even more communities.

Spike Ngai, COO of Immune Materials